
Online Saw Sharpening Resources

 Here is a set of links on saw sharpening. I have sharpened rip teeth fairly well for 25 years, but I have never been happy with


Yet Another Use for 1-2-3 Blocks

Today I was making a rolling rack for plywood and other sheet goods. The base required me to rip frame parts with a four degree bevel along their lengths, so that the plywood will lean back safely against the center of the cart and not tip over.

I needed the central frame members (joists?) to be narrower than the outer ones, to accommodate the four degree slope. As luck had it, the inner joists needed to be one inch narrower. Easy! Just move the fence over an inch for the last two cuts . . . except . . .


Mobilizing a Dust Collector Part Two

In this previous post, I had started mobilizing an old, wall-mounted, Oneida cyclone system. I have now been using the system for a few weeks and an update is in order.

The above photo shows


All I Have Is a Hammer

As a long-time woodworker, when I need to do or make something, my first thought about approaching the challenge is usually in the form of wood. (Within reason. Show me a clogged drain and I'll get the plumbing tools.)

Recently my challenge has been mounting a variable frequency drive and a